Laurence Brunet
Psychopraticienne à Aix-en-Provence

Laurence Brunet, thérapies brèves (TCC) à Aix-en-Provence

Would you rather work on your strenghts or weaknesses?

In two different and recent polls in social media, some of you prefer working on their strenghts while others prefer working on their weaknesses....


Whatever you have chosen, here are below what working on your strengths can provide:


✅ It increases motivation, enjoyment, engagement and satisfaction


✅ It makes higher performance and efficiency: You can achieve exceptional results by becoming experts in your field


✅ It makes you unique, by focusing on what you do best


✅ It makes more collaborative advantage in your teams as you can complement each other’s skills


✅ Fosters a higher well-being


The more hours you spend to use your strenghts, the less likely you may be to feel stress, anger, sadness or even physical pain.


I believe that personal growth is fostered by building upon strengths, further developing expertise, and refining talents may enhance individuals’ self-confidence, self-esteem and personal development.


By pursuing activities that resonate with your interests, passions and aspirations, can create a sense of purpose and direction in your professional and personal lives.


However, working on your weaknesses may also be extremely valuable, as it may provide:


Collaboration and teamwork, by improving your , you will better support and complement your teammates and enhance harmonious working relationships


✅ Professional new roles and opportunities by extending your new skills and capabilities


✅ More versatility and adaptability


✅ Overcoming obstacles and building resilience, determination and courage


All of the above will depend on your main goals in life, whether it is professional or personal.


I can help you to evaluate, and work on your strengths, but also, overcome the weaknesses that prevent you from moving on. Feel free to contact me for an initial discussion at or through the “contact” tab on my website

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